Bug#996461: nvidia-kernel-dkms: DKMS tree already contains: nvidia-current-470.74

Andreas Beckmann anbe at debian.org
Sun Oct 17 10:57:52 BST 2021

Control: severity -1 normal

On 15/10/2021 19.42, Drew Parsons wrote:
> I guess that reference to bss_file.c must be a clue, if not the 
> reference to the missing /root/dkms.key >
> The 470.74/5.14.0-2 make.log in the error message shows no errors 
> itself, but the last line is
> "Signing /var/lib/dkms/nvidia-current/470.74/build/nvidia.ko"

I think there are two bugs at work here and both are out of the scope of 
the nvidia driver.

1. Signing the kernel module fails. That's probably your local 
configuration that activates it, or do we have packages adding support 
for that now? I've never looked into signing the kernel module.

Can you send me your signing bits (and instructions how to generate a 
key) s.t. I can try to rebuild that setup in a chroot in order to 
reproduce the bug?

2. dkms getting some hickup after the package configuration failed (due 
to the signing failure) and not properly reinitializing on the next 
attempt. (The relevant maintainer script bits should all come from dh_dkms.)


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