Bug#995122: cuda.h shim

Raul Tambre raul at tambre.ee
Mon Sep 27 19:33:43 BST 2021

Simply symlinking doesn't actually quite work as evidenced by my CMake CI bot 
(<https://open.cdash.org/test/498767666>), where I applied it manually.

Having a shim /usr/lib/cuda/include/cuda.h:

     #pragma push_macro("CUDA_VERSION")
     #define CUDA_VERSION 11030
     #pragma pop_macro("CUDA_VERSION")
     #include_next <cuda.h>

Solves the issue. This was suggested in the LLVM discussion 

It is unclear to me why the symlink variant didn't work as previously when Clang 
detected the version using version.h having the cuda.h simply in /usr/include 
and thus the default search path was fine.
Though Clang is noted to be sensitive to the ordering of CUDA and other includes 
due to it wrapping/shimming them to make them work with Clang.

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