Bug#1029681: nvidia-legacy-340xx-driver: Qt5 apps fail to launch with a segfault

Andreas Beckmann anbe at debian.org
Sun Feb 5 16:33:02 GMT 2023

On 05/02/2023 16.36, jim_p wrote:
> I have already backed up the patch file on my dekstop. If I install -16 from
> snapshot.d.o, dkms will rebuild the driver right after apt installs it and it
> will fail. I will then move the patch to the right folder, replacing the one
> from -16. How will I force dkms to rebuild it after that?

Since the package installation failed, you can just resume that with
dpkg --configure --pending

Otherwise, you can also invoke dkms manually:

dkms build nvidia-legacy-340xx/340.108 [--force] [-k 6.1.0-3-amd64]
dkms install nvidia-legacy-340xx/340.108 [--force] [-k 6.1.0-3-amd64]
dkms status nvidia-legacy-340xx/340.108 [-k 6.1.0-3-amd64]

The kernel flag (-k ..., please use the correct kernel for your machine, 
the current kernel in sid would be 6.1.0-3-amd64) is optional if you 
just want to target the running kernel version (that would be what 
'uname -r' outputs).

> Also, I definitely don't want it to build a faulty driver and debian to fail
> reaching the desktop on next boot.



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