Bug#1053562: nvidia-driver: Please package version 545 (possibly solves issues with running on Kernel 6.6.x).

Peter Keel bugzilla at discordia.ch
Mon Nov 6 12:40:35 GMT 2023


As there are apparently some changes in Kernel 6.6; the nvidia-drivers
up to 530 won't work anymore: 

According to this:
http://rglinuxtech.com/?p=3193 (yes, that's http,I'm afraid)
it works with 545.23.06

Please package, so we're not stuck with old kernels. 

"Those who give up essential liberties for temporary safety deserve 
neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin
"It's also true that those who would give up privacy for security are 
likely to end up with neither." -- Bruce Schneier

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