Bug#1078723: nvidia-persistenced: /var/run/nvpd/ is not created by systemd

Scott MacKenzie larrikin at inbox.lv
Sat Jan 11 02:23:11 GMT 2025

On Sat, Jan 11, 2025 at 12:33:23AM +0100, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
> > Per the subject, /var/run/nvpd/ is not created by systemd. Please consider adding 'RuntimeDirectory=nvpd' statement to the unit file (/lib/systemd/system/nvidia-persistenced.service).
> Why should systemd create the directory?
> /usr/bin/nvidia-persistenced already takes care of it.

When I raised the bug initially, if I attempted to manually start the nvidia-persistenced service it *would* fail, attempting to write something into /var/run/nvpd/ which did not exist.

My apologies for not pasting the exact error message, I no longer have the log that far back and can't seem to reproduce it.  I see now that the intention is for the runtime info directory to be /var/run/nvidia-persistenced/ which is being correctly created at present.

I will only guess that what I saw was an absolute first-run quirk perhaps the result of a systemd (then systemd-sysv=252.26-1~deb12u2) default behaviour.

I still have the same/latest bookworm version of nvidia-persistenced installed, but have since upgraded most other nvidia-related packages according to bookworm-backports.


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