[Pkg-opencl-devel] Bug #755513 : nvidia-opencl-dev: binary conflict with ocl-icd-libopencl1

Vincent Danjean vdanjean.ml at free.fr
Wed Jul 30 16:23:34 UTC 2014


  In #755513, there is a missing 'replaces' about the libopencl.so
  Due to Intel (see #679228), ocl-icd ship the libOpenCL.so symlink
into the ocl-icd-libopencl package (ie the lib package, not the
development package).

  As this bug remains me this situation, I'm proposing that we move
the libOpenCL.so symlink into the dev package. Intel told me long
ago that they will fix their license so that we can redistribute
their implementation. But nothing occurs to my knowledge.
  Moreover, it would be easy to document what need to be fixed
(ie add a libOpenCL.so symlink or install an OpenCL dev package) in
order to execute binary compiled with the Intel OpenCL environment.
We will gain a cleaner situation about OpenCL file layout with
respect to the library packaging.

  If you agree, we will have to go through all OpenCL packages to
put correct conflicts/replaces where required.


Vincent Danjean       GPG key ID 0xD17897FA         vdanjean at debian.org
GPG key fingerprint: 621E 3509 654D D77C 43F5  CA4A F6AE F2AF D178 97FA
Unofficial pkgs: http://moais.imag.fr/membres/vincent.danjean/deb.html
APT repo:  deb http://people.debian.org/~vdanjean/debian unstable main

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