[Pkg-opencl-devel] Bug#679228: Bug #755513 : nvidia-opencl-dev: binary conflict with ocl-icd-libopencl1

Vincent Danjean vdanjean.ml at free.fr
Thu Jul 31 07:59:48 UTC 2014

On 30/07/2014 20:13, Graham Inggs wrote:
> Hi Vincent
> On 30 July 2014 18:23, Vincent Danjean <vdanjean.ml at free.fr> wrote:
>>   As this bug remains me this situation, I'm proposing that we move
>> the libOpenCL.so symlink into the dev package.
>>   If you agree, we will have to go through all OpenCL packages to
>> put correct conflicts/replaces where required.
> What changes would be required to all OpenCL packages if you moved the
> libOpenCL.so symlink into the dev package?
> Surely if ocl-icd-libopencl1 ships libOpenCL.so then it should
> conflict with all other opencl -dev packages (i.e. those that also
> ship libOpenCL.so), and if it stops shipping libOpenCL.so then it is
> just a matter of removing those conflicts?

all *-libopencl1 conflict/replace themselves as they provide the same
binary (libOpenCL.so.1)
And we need to put the correct conflict/replace for the libOpenCL.so.
It is not hard but this file is (was?) not handled the same way by all
OpenCL packagers. It is "just" a matter to list all packages (in wheezy
and testing) that provide it. This will avoid to wait for users to
detect missing conflict/replace and upload fixed packages.


> Regards
> Graham

Vincent Danjean       GPG key ID 0xD17897FA         vdanjean at debian.org
GPG key fingerprint: 621E 3509 654D D77C 43F5  CA4A F6AE F2AF D178 97FA
Unofficial pkgs: http://moais.imag.fr/membres/vincent.danjean/deb.html
APT repo:  deb http://people.debian.org/~vdanjean/debian unstable main

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