[Pkg-opencl-devel] Should I `Provides: opencl-[html|man]-doc`

Mathieu Malaterre malat at debian.org
Thu May 28 08:28:38 UTC 2015

[CC me please]

Dear OpenCL team,

I am considering updating the opencl documentation packages. Right now
src:khronos-opencl-man builds two packages:

- opencl-1.2-html-doc
- opencl-1.2-man-doc

Now that OpenCL 2.0 is out, I considering building two new binary packages:

- opencl-2.0-html-doc
- opencl-2.0-man-doc

Because `Virtual` package [*] are a new thing to me, I was hoping for
some guidance here on what best to do here.

Thanks much !
[*] https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html#s-virtual

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