[Pkg-opencl-devel] New libclc snapshot, etc

Rebecca N. Palmer rebecca_palmer at zoho.com
Wed Sep 2 21:40:18 UTC 2015

> Do you have for libclc a git repository for collaboration?
> If not could you create one under the umbrella of pkg-opencl?
Not anywhere I can find, and I agree that would make sense but don't 
have the rights to create one myself.

Do the mesa-opencl-icd maintainers have any comments on our plan to make 
opencl-icd default to "all Free ICDs" (analogous to 
xserver-xorg-video-all, instead of the current "a semi-random ICD, which 
might not work on this hardware": 
) and ocl-icd-libopencl1 sort platforms with devices first (so 
applications that request "first device of first platform" get something 
that works: 

(Due to gcc5 transition issues, beignet and mesa-opencl-icd are 
currently not co-installable, but a binNMU of beignet should fix that)

beignet 1.1.0 (in Alioth) now builds and works, but probably shouldn't 
be uploaded yet due to the "no unrelated changes during a transition" rule.

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