[Pkg-opencl-devel] OpenCL headers now on GitHub

Vincent Danjean vdanjean.ml at free.fr
Sat Dec 19 00:16:54 UTC 2015

Le 18/12/2015 16:23, Brice Videau a écrit :
> Thanks for the find.

Yes. I totally forgot there was this function.

> I fixed it on the GitHub repository.

Brice: do not forget to run 'make check'... ;-)

I rewrote your fix to avoid having to update it manually anymore
(we already define the supported OpenCL version in configure.ac)

I will update the Debian package when I will have a few free time.


> On 18-Dec-15 15:48, Giuseppe Bilotta wrote:
>> On Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 2:12 PM, Vincent Danjean <vdanjean.ml at free.fr> wrote:
>>> Le 18/12/2015 02:17, Andreas Beckmann a écrit :
>>>> There is also OpenCL-ICD-Loader, but with a license dating back to the
>>>> time when this was closed internal source. Anyway, this makes the source
>>>> non-fee and non-redistributable. It even forbids forking on github!
>>>> https://github.com/KhronosGroup/OpenCL-ICD-Loader/blob/master/LICENSE.txt
>>>    For information, the ocl-icd loader has been updated to support
>>> OpenCL 2.1.
>>>    I uploaded the package to unstable yesterday.
>> Nice. I notice it still reports OpenCL 1.2 through the
>> CL_ICD_OCL_VERSION entry of the clGetICDLoaderInfoOCLICD function
>> call, though. That might need to be updated.

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