[Pkg-opencl-devel] OpenCL architectures

Brice Videau brice.videau at imag.fr
Mon Jul 18 09:12:21 UTC 2016

On 05/07/2016 20:23, Rebecca N. Palmer wrote:
>> How do you (members of this group) test OpenCL packages?
> For beignet, I use BINDMOUNTS="/dev/dri" in pbuilderrc and this script 
> as B10opencltests in the pbuilder hooks directory:
> #!/bin/sh
> #beignet's tests can't be run by the normal during-build mechanism
> #because the pbuilder user can't access /dev/dri/card0
> #("adduser pbuilder video" isn't enough)
> if [ -e /tmp/buildd/beignet-?.* ]; then
>     echo "Running opencl tests:" # if you're testing an application, 
> you'll need an apt-get install $icd here
>     cd /tmp/buildd/beignet-?.*
>     chmod +x obj-*/utests/setenv.sh obj-*/utests/utest_run
>     adduser testcl --disabled-password --gecos aaa # I prefer not to 
> run tests as root
>     chown testcl . # some of beignet's tests create files
>     su testcl -c obj-*/utests/setenv.sh || true # actually run the tests
> fi
> but all this does is let you access the OpenCL device from inside the 
> chroot - it won't help on a porterbox that doesn't have the hardware 
> to begin with.
>> Nonetheless, I am afraid the only solution is to develop a fake OpenCL
>> implementation that would answer in a predictable manner for a limited
>> but highly covering set of input.
> https://packages.debian.org/sid/oclgrind might be what you're looking 
> for: not quite every architecture, but a bigger selection than any of 
> the normal ICDs.
Indeed, for many aspects it would be enough. For object reference 
validity we would still need indirect validation but I could do with it.

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