[Pkg-opencl-devel] Alternatives system for libOpenCL?

Rebecca N. Palmer rebecca_palmer at zoho.com
Tue Jul 26 21:52:49 UTC 2016

> Also under both loaders the driver only reports support for OpenCL 1.2
> (but I thought they actually supported 2.0 already?

16.1 claims to support 2.0: 

> Can alien manipulate dependencies when transforming packages?

alien doesn't actually read its input package's dependencies (probably 
because there are too many packages with distribution-dependent names): 
it uses shlibs:Depends (i.e. checking what libraries the binary itself 
is dynamically linked to, which only works if those libraries are 
installed) to handle shared library dependencies, and doesn't bother 
trying for the rest.

It has an option to stop before the "build", allowing one to do any 
needed editing: http://sources.debian.net/src/alien/8.95/alien.pl/#L118

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