[Pkg-opencl-devel] Bug#861986: unsupported call to function get_local_size on AMD GPUs

Arthur Loiret arthur.loiret at gmail.com
Sun May 7 01:25:24 UTC 2017

Package: libclc-amdgcn
Version: 0.2.0+git20160907-3
Severity: grave
Justification: renders package unusable
Tags: upstream patch

Hardware information:
  - platform: Clover (Mesa)
  - device: AMD OLAND (DRM 2.48.0 / 4.9.0-2-amd64, LLVM 3.9.1)

With the libclc version from testing nearly all OpenCL programs won't run
on AMD GPUs.

For example, tying to compile the following trivial kernel fails in the
clBuildProgram step:

__kernel void square(__global const float* input, __global float* output,
const size_t count) {
    size_t i = get_global_id(0);
    if (i < count) {
        output[i] = input[i] * input[i];

with the following (CL_BUILD_PROGRAM_FAILURE) error:

./generic/lib/workitem/get_global_id.cl:4:30: in function square void
(float addrspace(1)*, float addrspace(1)*, i32): unsupported call to
function get_local_size

Bug has been reported upstream:

Applying the attached patch
https://bugs.freedesktop.org/attachment.cgi?id=130136 makes the kernel
build properly.

Can you please apply the patch to ensure the upcoming Debian Stretch
release will support OpenCL compute on AMD GPUs ?

Thank you.
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