[Pkg-opencl-devel] latest pocl upload

Rebecca N. Palmer rebecca_palmer at zoho.com
Tue Mar 13 19:48:07 UTC 2018

On 13/03/18 07:43, Michal Babej wrote:
> what's FTBFS ? and where do we use assert dangerously ?

FTBFS = Fails To Build From Source (including because the test suite 
reported failure)

The log ( 
) says the failed assert was 
, i.e. asking clCreateSubDevices "how many sub-devices of max_cus/2 
compute units each can we make?" (where max_cus is the total number 
available) succeeded but gave an answer other than 2.

max_cus has to be at least 2 for it to get this far, but this is also 
going to assert-fail if max_cus is 3... 3/2 rounds down to 1 so you'd 
get 3 sub-devices not 2.  As the test output doesn't report the value, 
we can't know if it was that or clCreateSubDevices actually not working. 
  (This test has passed on arm64 before, but on a different build server.)

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