[Pkg-opencl-devel] move ocl-icd to opencl-team maintenance?

Vincent Danjean Vincent.Danjean at imag.fr
Sat Dec 15 16:32:08 GMT 2018

Le 14/12/2018 à 22:34, Andreas Beckmann a écrit :
> Hi Vincent,
> On 2018-03-27 21:02, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
>> On 2018-03-18 19:49, Vincent Danjean wrote:
>>> Le 18/03/2018 à 09:01, Andreas Beckmann a écrit :
>>>> Hi Vincent,
>>>> while preparing the mass migration of the packages from pkg-opencl on
>>>> alioth to opencl-team on salsa, I wanted to ask you whether you would
>>>> want to put ocl-icd also under team maintenance (and move the repository
>>>> from collab-maint to opencl-team, I could do that at the same time as I
>>>> move the other packages).
>>> It is ok for me. I you do the move, it's fine. Else, I will do it myself later
>> Done. Pushed a few commits as well, but no plans for uploading it myself.
> I've pushed a few more updates to the new git repo.
> https://salsa.debian.org/opencl-team/ocl-icd
> The homepage and watch URLs seem to be no longer valid ...
> Do you have anything else left to do for ocl-icd? Otherwise I'd
> Team-upload it to get the updated metadata into the archive...

  It should be good. I added Brice in CC (upstream co-author)
but he did not tell me anything about opencl recently


> Andreas

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