[Pkg-opencl-devel] Bug#994833: OpenCL programs abort when intel-opencl-icd is installed

Andreas Beckmann anbe at debian.org
Fri Oct 29 15:40:18 BST 2021

Control: block -1 with 998058
Control: fixed -1 intel-graphics-compiler/1.0.8744-2

On 29/10/2021 16.33, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> Reopening, since seemingly the detail about coordinated upload is still
> missing: Currently (in sid) intel-opencl-icd is flagged breaking its own
> dependencies and therefore impossible to install.

There is a new FTBFS (also in the unmodified package currently in sid) 
due to some failing tests, otherwise I would have uploaded the second 
part of the fix today :-(


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