[Pkg-opencl-devel] Bug#1001545: Bug#1001545: pyopencl, build-depends on package that is no longer in testing

Rebecca N. Palmer rebecca_palmer at zoho.com
Wed Jan 12 19:00:30 GMT 2022

On 12/01/2022 12:50, Drew Parsons wrote:
> mesa-opencl-icd is running and passing its own tests on these arches. 
> What is pyopencl doing in build and tests that's different from what 
> mesa-opencl-icd itself does?

Probably that pyopencl's tests actually run OpenCL code and mesa's (at 
least the ones that get run on a buildd) don't.

pyopencl is a package that uses OpenCL, so it makes sense to run its 
tests via whatever OpenCL driver works on that hardware, which on the 
buildds means pocl-opencl-icd.

mesa-opencl-icd is an OpenCL driver that requires a GPU, so if it has 
tests that run OpenCL code, it probably doesn't run them on the buildd. 
  (It might run them on a maintainer's local machine where the right GPU 
is available, like beignet-opencl-icd does.)

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