[Pkg-opencl-devel] Bug#1075945: opencl-clang-15: Please upgrade to llvm-toolchain-18

Andreas Beckmann anbe at debian.org
Mon Jul 8 22:12:09 BST 2024

Control: tag -1 wontfix

On 08/07/2024 09.14, Sylvestre Ledru wrote:
> Source: opencl-clang-15

> As part of the effort to limit the number of llvm packages in the
> archive, it would be great if you could upgrade to -18.

We already have opencl-clang-18 and spirv-llvm-translator-18 for that.

> This package depends on 15.
> given the -15 in the title, you are following upstream versions too.
> Maybe ask for a removal of opencl-clang-15

Once llvm-toolchain-15 is ready to be removed, opencl-clang-15 and 
spirv-llvm-translator-15 should be removed with it.


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