[Pkg-openldap-devel] [fijal@irys.um.pabianice.pl: slapd crash]
Torsten Landschoff
t.landschoff at gmx.net
Tue May 2 18:02:05 UTC 2006
----- Forwarded message from Jan Fijalkowski <fijal at irys.um.pabianice.pl> -----
X-Original-To: torsten at localhost
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Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2006 13:55:53 +0200
From: Jan Fijalkowski <fijal at irys.um.pabianice.pl>
To: torsten at debian.org
Subject: slapd crash
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I'm using Yours debian openldap packages for sarge (slapd, ldap-utils
etc. 2.2.23-8).
I've found that using certain extended filters causes slapd crash.
$ ldapsearch -x ':dn:'
goes OK, but
$ ldapsearch -x ':dn:'
causes server crash
The same effect You can obtain using this filter from gq, so I think
that this is a server problem.
This bug look very grave, because every user can crash the server (even
remotely). That's the reason I'm writing directly to You. On the other
side, I suppose that the problem lies in openldap source.
The same effect remains with version 2.2.26-5 ported to sarge.
All the best!
Thank You for the good job with openldap packages - with normal use they
work perfectly - almost all vital services in my job depends on them :-)
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