[Pkg-openldap-devel] OpenLDAP package bug status

Russ Allbery rra at debian.org
Sat Jun 2 07:26:14 UTC 2007

Okay, I've finished a triage of the currently open OpenLDAP bugs.  I've
closed a ton of them, mostly GnuTLS problems or upgrade problems from
versions far too old for us to be able to reproduce the problem or support
a fix.

I've also tried to rationalize the tags somewhat.  Bugs tagged confirmed
are bugs that look to me to be legitimate bugs in need of a fix in the
package.  Bugs tagged moreinfo are now (I believe) all bugs that should be
closed if we don't get a response within a reasonable amount of time.
Bugs tagged patch all have a patch which is applicable to the current
package (unless the bug is tagged pending as well, in which case I may
have done something completely different in Subversion).

The bug list is now much more approachable, particularly if you ignore all
the moreinfo bugs.

There are a few patterns that account for several of our remaining bugs:

 * I think symbol versioning on some library is not quite up to the task,
   since there's clearly some weird interaction when libnss-ldap is in
   play between slapd and the 2.3 libraries, libnss-ldap and the 2.1
   libraries, OpenSSL, and GnuTLS.  I'm betting this is the root cause
   behind all of #309026, #314793, #340601 (although this may be some
   other problem that's been fixed; I can't test), #412706, and #381788.
   The last bug has an interesting workaround.

 * Do we care about fix_ldif any more?  We're still running it if slapadd
   fails, but my understanding is that it was primarily for upgrading from
   slapd versions that didn't do schema checking, and everything back to
   oldstable now does.  If we don't care about this code any more, we can
   close all of #305838, #300853, #305824, and #300287 and clean up our
   maintainer scripts a fair bit.

 * There are several wishlist bugs requesting that we add new schema files
   to the slapd package (#233475, #309035, #351733).  Upstream only adds
   schemas defined in RFCs or Internet-Drafts.  My inclination is to close
   them all with a comment that upstream isn't interested and we don't
   want to provide a general schema package, but if someone else wants to
   create an openldap-schemas package, we won't stand in their way.

 * We apparently used to provide a libslapd2-dev package with some of the
   internal headers for writing slapd modules.  Upstream apparently
   doesn't support installing these headers or using them outside the
   build environment, and of course we're currently not building this
   package because we're not building -dev packages.  Do we ever want to
   resurrect this package?  I'm leaning towards no; people who want to
   write modules can use SLAPI or grab the source package.  If we don't
   want to resurrect it, we can close #243306 and #242997.

Other than that, there's a variety of random this and that and several
severity important bugs where we went through some debugging but didn't
arrive at any real conclusions.

Russ Allbery (rra at debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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