[Pkg-openldap-devel] Bug#471253: slapd hangs and eats 100%cpu with syncrepl statements

Mathieu Parent math.parent at gmail.com
Sun Mar 16 22:40:11 UTC 2008

Package: slapd
Version: 2.4.7-5
Severity: critical

--- Please enter the report below this line. ---

When using the following config file (reduced testcase or full), 
and running a quick and dirty test(be carefull, it clean all slapd data) :

/etc/init.d/slapd stop
rm /var/lib/ldap/*

/usr/sbin/slapd -h ldap:// -f /etc/ldap/slapd.conf \
-u openldap -g openldap

cat <<EOF | ldapadd -D "cn=manager,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" -w 12345 -x
dn: dc=sathieu,dc=net
dc: sathieu
objectClass: top
objectClass: domain

It hangs, and slapd eats 100% cpu. I have to do:
  killall -KILL slapd
because ''killall slapd'' doesn't work.

I simply want this to resturn somehing:
ldapsearch -D "cn=manager,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" \
  -w 12345 -x -b "dc=sathieu,dc=net"

Can somebody reproduce this ? Can I provide more informations ?


Mathieu Parent

NB: this file is for the future kolabd 2.2 package. We need syncrepl for lenny.
-------------- next part --------------
# (c) 2003 Tassilo Erlewein <tassilo.erlewein at erfrakon.de>
# (c) 2003-2007 Martin Konold <martin.konold at erfrakon.de>
# (c) 2003 Achim Frank <achim.frank at erfrakon.de>
# This program is Free Software under the GNU General Public License (>=v2).
# Read the file COPYING that comes with this packages for details.

# this file is automatically written by the Kolab config backend and should have the 
# file mode 0640

modulepath	/usr/lib/ldap
moduleload	back_bdb
moduleload	back_monitor
moduleload	refint
moduleload	unique

# manual additions are lost unless made to the template in the Kolab config directory
# the template is  /etc/kolab/templates/slapd.conf.template

include /etc/ldap/schema/core.schema
include /etc/ldap/schema/cosine.schema
include /etc/ldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
#include /etc/ldap/schema/rfc2739.schema
include /usr/share/kolabd/schema/kolab2.schema
#include /usr/share/kolabd/schema/horde.schema

pidfile		/var/run/slapd/slapd.pid
argsfile	/var/run/slapd/slapd.args

#schemacheck doesn't exists in debian's slapd 2.4
#schemacheck 	       on

#TLSCertificateFile     /etc/kolab/cert.pem
#TLSCertificateKeyFile  /etc/kolab/key.pem

rootDSE                /etc/kolab/rootDSE.ldif

defaultsearchbase      "dc=sathieu,dc=net"

#require 	none
allow 		bind_v2

loglevel	0

database	bdb
suffix		"dc=sathieu,dc=net"
cachesize       10000
checkpoint 	512 5
idlcachesize    10000
idletimeout	300 
# The value can be increased if some clients develop
# problems. Please report to kolab-devel at kolab.org
# if you encounter such a client.


directory	/var/lib/ldap

rootdn          "cn=manager,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net"
rootpw          "12345"

replica uri=ldap://

#### Provide the modern syncprov/syncrepl method of ldap replication
# This database is a synchronisation provider
# Note that a database can be both a consumer and a provider 
moduleload      syncprov
overlay syncprov
# Guarantee that contextCSN gets written.
syncprov-checkpoint  1024 16
# Save a log of last write operations
syncprov-sessionlog 4096
# Support delta-based syncrepl
syncprov-reloadhint TRUE
# Put an index on attributes used for synchronisation
# Note that these indexes are used locally both for server and client 
# during synchronisation.
index entryCSN eq
index entryUUID eq

#### Using overlays to improve data consistency
# Ensure that we never get dangling member attributes
# Checked on rename and delete
overlay refint
refint_attributes member

# The mail and the uid attribute must be unique.
overlay unique
unique_attributes mail uid

index   objectClass     pres,eq
index   uid             approx,sub,pres,eq
index   mail            approx,sub,pres,eq
index   alias           approx,sub,pres,eq
index   cn              approx,sub,pres,eq
index   sn              approx,sub,pres,eq
index   givenName       approx,sub,pres,eq
index   kolabDelegate   approx,sub,pres,eq
index   kolabHomeServer pres,eq
index   kolabDeleteflag pres,eq
index   member          pres,eq

##include /etc/ldap/slapd.access

access to dn="dc=sathieu,dc=net" attrs=children
	by group/kolabGroupOfNames="cn=admin,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" write
	by group/kolabGroupOfNames="cn=maintainer,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" write
	by group/kolabGroupOfNames="cn=domain-maintainer,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" write

access to dn="cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" attrs=children
	by group/kolabGroupOfNames="cn=admin,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" write
	by group/kolabGroupOfNames="cn=maintainer,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" write
	by group/kolabGroupOfNames="cn=domain-maintainer,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" write

access to attrs=userPassword
   	by group/kolabGroupOfNames="cn=admin,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" =wx
        by group/kolabGroupOfNames="cn=maintainer,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" =wx
        by self =wx
        by anonymous =x
        by * none stop

access to attrs=mail
        by group/kolabGroupOfNames="cn=admin,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" write
        by group/kolabGroupOfNames="cn=maintainer,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" write
        by * read stop

access to attrs=alias
        by group/kolabGroupOfNames="cn=admin,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" write
        by group/kolabGroupOfNames="cn=maintainer,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" write
        by * read stop

access to attrs=uid
        by group/kolabGroupOfNames="cn=admin,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" write
        by group/kolabGroupOfNames="cn=maintainer,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" write
        by * read stop

access to attrs=cyrus-userquota
        by group/kolabGroupOfNames="cn=admin,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" write
        by group/kolabGroupOfNames="cn=maintainer,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" write
	by self read stop

access to attrs=kolabHomeServer
        by group/kolabGroupOfNames="cn=admin,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" write
        by group/kolabGroupOfNames="cn=maintainer,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" write
        by * read stop

access to attrs=kolabHomeMTA
        by group/kolabGroupOfNames="cn=admin,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" write
        by group/kolabGroupOfNames="cn=maintainer,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" write
        by * read stop

access to attrs=kolabAllowSMTPRecipient
       by group/kolabGroupOfNames="cn=admin,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" write
       by group/kolabGroupOfNames="cn=maintainer,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" write
       by self read stop

access to dn="cn=nobody,dc=sathieu,dc=net"
        by anonymous auth stop

access to dn="cn=manager,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net"
        by dn="cn=nobody,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" read
        by self write
        by anonymous auth stop

access to dn="cn=admin,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net"
        by group/kolabGroupOfNames="cn=admin,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" write
        by dn="cn=nobody,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" read
        by self write
        by anonymous auth stop

access to dn="cn=maintainer,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net"
        by group/kolabGroupOfNames="cn=admin,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" write
        by group/kolabGroupOfNames="cn=maintainer,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" read
        by dn="cn=nobody,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" read
        by self write
        by anonymous auth stop

access to dn.regex="(.*,)?cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net"
 	by group/kolabGroupOfNames="cn=admin,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" write
        by group/kolabGroupOfNames="cn=maintainer,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" write
        by self write
	by dn="cn=nobody,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" read 
	by anonymous auth stop

access to dn.regex="(.*,)?cn=external,dc=sathieu,dc=net"
        by group/kolabGroupOfNames="cn=admin,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" write
        by group/kolabGroupOfNames="cn=maintainer,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" write
	by * read stop

access to dn="cn=external,dc=sathieu,dc=net"
	by dn="cn=nobody,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" read 
	by * search stop

access to dn="cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net"
	by dn="cn=nobody,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" read 
        by * search stop

access to dn="k=kolab,dc=sathieu,dc=net"
	by group/kolabGroupOfNames="cn=admin,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" write
	by group/kolabGroupOfNames="cn=maintainer,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" read
	by group/kolabGroupOfNames="cn=domain-maintainer,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" read
	by dn="cn=nobody,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" read 
	by * none stop	

access to * 
        by self write
	by group/kolabGroupOfNames="cn=admin,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" write
 	by group/kolabGroupOfNames="cn=maintainer,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" write
	by * read stop

##include /etc/ldap/slapd.replicas

database	monitor

access to *
	by group/kolabGroupOfNames="cn=admin,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net" write
	by * none stop

-------------- next part --------------
modulepath	/usr/lib/ldap
moduleload	back_bdb

include /etc/ldap/schema/core.schema
include /etc/ldap/schema/cosine.schema
include /etc/ldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema

pidfile		/var/run/slapd/slapd.pid
argsfile	/var/run/slapd/slapd.args

defaultsearchbase      "dc=sathieu,dc=net"

loglevel	0

database	bdb
suffix		"dc=sathieu,dc=net"

directory	/var/lib/ldap

rootdn          "cn=manager,cn=internal,dc=sathieu,dc=net"
rootpw          "12345"

#### Provide the modern syncprov/syncrepl method of ldap replication
# This database is a synchronisation provider
# Note that a database can be both a consumer and a provider 
moduleload      syncprov
overlay syncprov
# Guarantee that contextCSN gets written.
syncprov-checkpoint  1024 16
# Save a log of last write operations
syncprov-sessionlog 4096
# Support delta-based syncrepl
syncprov-reloadhint TRUE
# Put an index on attributes used for synchronisation
# Note that these indexes are used locally both for server and client 
# during synchronisation.
index entryCSN eq
index entryUUID eq

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