[Pkg-openldap-devel] Bug#598361: Bug#598361: Bug#598361: Bug#598361: slapd: slapcat gives "unclean shutdown detected; attempting recovery" after squeeze upgrade
Quanah Gibson-Mount
quanah at zimbra.com
Tue Sep 28 16:00:35 UTC 2010
--On Tuesday, September 28, 2010 10:40 AM -0500 "Walton, Bryan K"
<bryan-walton at uiowa.edu> wrote:
> On Tue, 2010-09-28 at 08:29 -0700, Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:
>> Finally, I would note I receive no such error while using slapcat with
>> my own build of OpenLDAP 2.4.23:
>> zimbra at zre-ldap002:~$ /opt/zimbra/openldap/sbin/slapcat -F
>> /opt/zimbra/data/ldap/config -l /tmp/test.out -b ''
>> zimbra at zre-ldap002:~$
> Hi Quanah, I'll acknowledge that I this doesn't seem universal. This is
> only happening on our master ldap server. On the slave, we are get no
> such error. Both are running the current slapd that exists in Squeeze.
> Still, the master does give the error. Running db4.8_recover doesn't
> fix whatever the problem is (if there is really a problem). Any ideas
> how this can be fixed? Is this possibly a bug in BDB 4.8 rather than
> slapd?
Well, the server I ran slapcat on is a master server, so I don't think
that's relevant. ;) Also, numerous people run OpenLDAP with bdb 4.8 and
haven't reported such an error. So it's unlikely it is a 4.8 issue,
although it could be possible.
Is there any difference in file system between the master and replicas?
I.e., nfs or ext4 vs ext3 etc?
Quanah Gibson-Mount
Principal Software Engineer
Zimbra, Inc
Zimbra :: the leader in open source messaging and collaboration
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