[Pkg-openldap-devel] Bug#649062: openldap: FTBFS on sparc (test054-syncreplication-parallel-load failed for bdb)

Julien Cristau jcristau at debian.org
Thu Nov 17 08:45:23 UTC 2011

Source: openldap
Version: 2.4.25-4
Severity: serious
Justification: fails to build from source (but built successfully in the past)

See the build log at

> >>>>> Starting test054-syncreplication-parallel-load for bdb...
> running defines.sh
> Starting provider slapd on TCP/IP port 9011...
> Using ldapsearch to check that provider slapd is running...
> Using ldapadd to create the context prefix entry in the provider...
> Starting consumer slapd on TCP/IP port 9014...
> Using ldapsearch to check that consumer slapd is running...
> Using ldapadd to populate the provider directory...
> Waiting 7 seconds for syncrepl to receive changes...
> Stopping the provider, sleeping 10 seconds and restarting it...
> Using ldapsearch to check that provider slapd is running...
> Waiting 10 seconds to let the system catch up
> Using ldapmodify to modify provider directory...
> Using ldappasswd to change some passwords...
> Waiting 7 seconds for syncrepl to receive changes...
> Stopping consumer to test recovery...
> Modifying more entries on the provider...
> Restarting consumer...
> Waiting 7 seconds for syncrepl to receive changes...
> Try updating the consumer slapd...
> Trying to change some passwords on the consumer...
> Waiting 7 seconds for syncrepl to receive changes...
> Using ldapsearch to read all the entries from the provider...
> Using ldapsearch to read all the entries from the consumer...
> Filtering provider results...
> Filtering consumer results...
> Comparing retrieved entries from provider and consumer...
> test failed - provider and consumer databases differ
> >>>>> ../../../tests/scripts/test054-syncreplication-parallel-load failed for bdb (exit 1)
> make[3]: *** [bdb-mod] Error 1


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