[Pkg-openldap-devel] Bug#603544: "AttributeDescription contains inappropriate characters"

Andreas B. Mundt andi.mundt at web.de
Sat Nov 24 22:51:17 UTC 2012


the OLC configuration seems not to like some characters (for example a
"+") in the schema file names (probab. because they are not allowed in
a ldap DN).

If I move inetorgperson.schema to inet+orgperson.schema in slapd.conf,
and run as the conversion script in the package does:

    slaptest -d 3 -f slapd.conf

I get:

50b14c0b >>> dnNormalize: <cn={1}cosine>
50b14c0b <<< dnNormalize: <cn={1}cosine>
50b14c0b config_build_entry: "cn={1}cosine"
50b14c0b >>> dnNormalize: <cn={2}nis>
50b14c0b <<< dnNormalize: <cn={2}nis>
50b14c0b config_build_entry: "cn={2}nis"
50b14c0b >>> dnNormalize: <cn={3}inet+orgperson>
50b14c0b config_build_entry: ""
50b14c0b config_build_entry: build "olcSchemaConfig" failed:
"AttributeDescription contains inappropriate characters"
50b14c0b backend_startup_one (type=config, suffix="cn=config"):
bi_db_open failed! (-1)

A fix (which has been used in the reports above) is renaming the
affected .schema files appropriately.

For the maintainer script, a test like

    slapdtest -f slapd.conf || echo "<some good description how to continue>"

before doing the conversion might be usefull.  But how can this be
done best?

Best regards,


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