[Pkg-openldap-devel] Bug#770827: slapd: can't reconfigure dumping

Ryan Tandy ryan at nardis.ca
Tue Dec 2 17:03:58 UTC 2014

Control: clone 770827 -2
Control: retitle -2 slapd: tries to reload on upgrade even with dumping disabled
Control: severity 614569 important

On Tue, Dec 02, 2014 at 11:27:47AM +0100, Ferenc Wagner wrote:
>Now, do you plan to do anything about these for jessie?  As I understand
>it, anybody running a partial replica will necessarily hit this during
>the wheezy -> jessie upgrade.  But we've still got a couple of days to
>get an unblock for these fixes...

Just to be clear, we're talking about (at least) three separate bugs:

#614569 - fails to reload a partial replica
#770827 - dpkg-reconfigure doesn't ask the dumping question
#??? - attempts database reload even with dumping set to 'never'

#770827 I think is clearly not RC. #614569 would have been good to fix 
for jessie, but I personally have basically no time available at the 
moment. I can't provide a well-tested fix before the 5th, sorry.

Other facts about #614569 are that it has been around for two upgrade 
cycles already, and that it can be worked around by editing the postinst 
to add -s to the slapadd invocation and running 'dpkg --configure -a' to 
retry the upgrade.

Unless someone else wants to prepare and upload a fix in the next couple 
of days, I'll fix it in unstable later and then propose it for a point 
release of jessie. I'm also monitoring some lmdb issues being worked on 
upstream, in case some of the patches turn out to be suitable for a 
point release.

I doubt this was the answer you hoped for; sorry for that.

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