[Pkg-openldap-devel] Bug#848381: Bug#848381: openldap: [INTL:nl] Dutch translation of debconf messages

Ryan Tandy ryan at nardis.ca
Fri Dec 16 23:00:48 UTC 2016

Hello Frans and debian-l10n,

Thank you for the translation update and patch. However I'm sorry to say 
there are likely more template updates coming, either reverting the 
additions related to heimdal (a new heimdal release has now been 
uploaded to unstable), or refactoring/combining the handling of ppolicy 
and heimdal during upgrades. Either way the total number of new 
templates compared to jessie should be smaller than it is now.

I plan to send proper requests for review and translations once the plan 
for stretch is determined and things have settled down a bit. Sorry for 
the inconvenience meanwhile and for not communicating this sooner.


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