[Pkg-openldap-devel] OpenLdap dynamic modules flag for armhf

Joshwa Pohlmann joshwa.pohlmann at tu-dresden.de
Thu Jan 28 16:07:27 UTC 2016

> Feel free to ask a longer question, show what you've tried, etc.

Thanks for your fast answer and thanks for this offer!

--- sorry ---
I just didn't want to bother you because you shouldn't suffer because of my 
incompetence. Further you're not the ldap mailing list, so I feel bad asking 
So if you don't like to answer; No hard feelings!

--- what i did so far ---
I installed openldap from the standard repository [1].
I followed several tutorials, e.g. [2], which all basically load the memberOf 
module and activate the overlay.
My ldap server itself is nothing special. Just one database ({0}hdb), so the 
ldif files in [2] are the same I use in my case.
My groups and users are of objectClass posixAccount, posixGroup.

--- the symptoms---
However, the memberOf attribute is not added. I know I have to modify/update 
the members of existing groups to make it work, but this doesn't help. I even 
recreated whole groups and users without success.
When I use memberof=<group DN> in a filter i get no results. I tried to 
integrate with owncloud and it says as well that this feature is not supported 
by the server (just as a validation that I didn't failed writing the right 
search request).

--- some questions ---
Did I miss something? How can I make slapd output the actual loaded modules 
(maybe this would help)? I couldn't find any useful information in the debug 
output of slapd regarding loaded modules.

Thank you in advance

[1] http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/ wheezy main non-free contrib
[2] http://blog.adimian.com/2014/10/how-to-enable-memberof-using-openldap/

Am Thursday 28 January 2016, 07:46:37 schrieb Ryan Tandy:
> On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 10:52:29AM +0100, Joshwa Pohlmann wrote:
> >Hello, 
> Hi!
> >I make it quick. Is SLAPD for armhf architecture compiled without the
> >dynamic modules flag enabled or more specifically without the memberOf
> >module?
> No and no. Both of those are enabled in the Debian build.
> >Because it seems that it can't be enabled on this platform (in this
> >case banana pi). 
> Feel free to ask a longer question, show what you've tried, etc.
> cheers,
> Ryan

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