[Pkg-openssl-devel] Re: Question about changes in svn

Christoph Martin martin at uni-mainz.de
Fri Oct 14 09:43:24 UTC 2005

Kurt Roeckx schrieb:
>>I was going to ask why you included the libssl0.9.7-dev package. You now
>>removed it: ok. I don't think, anybody will need it.
> Yes, there should be no need for it.

Can you contact the archive maintainer (via bugs at d.o?) to remove the
obsolete file from the previous release? Or ist this done automatically?

>>BTW: Which build system do you use? Are you using pbuilder with
>>unstable? Are you using svn-buildpackage?
> I never used pbuilder. 

I use pbuilder because I only need the unstable chroot for building
packages. And pbuilder helps with checking that I specified the correct
build-depends and automatically installs them.

> I once looked at
> svn-buildpackage but I didn't look at how to actually use it.  I
> think I get the idea now that I see the layout of it.  I'll look
> into using that soon.

svn-buildpackage helps building with svn, checking for needed sync with
svn, doing tags etc. e.g you missed tagging the releases you made.

I use the following commands:

svn co svn+alioth://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-openssl/openssl/trunk


svn co

for the checkout. For building I use

svn-buildpackage -rfakeroot --svn-ignore-new -kB5CE5497

which ignores uncommited changes and the UNRELEASED distribution tag in
the changelog.

svn-buildpackage also has the advantage that the build-process does not
change the files in the checked out repository, which happened with your
Configure script which you checked in. Look at the #! line at the
beginning. svn-buildpackage also automatically merges the few files
which are in svn into the upstream archive.

Before each build you also should do an svn update the get the latest

After the upload I do

svn-buildpackage --svn-tag-only

which makes a copy of the current state to the tags directory with the
correct Debian version number.

Christoph Martin, Leiter der EDV der Verwaltung, Uni-Mainz, Germany
 Internet-Mail:  Christoph.Martin at Uni-Mainz.DE
  Telefon: +49-6131-3926337
      Fax: +49-6131-3922856
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