[Pkg-openssl-devel] Bug#351012: Debian Sarge Openssl CAserial

Michael Trunner trunneml at studi.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de
Thu Feb 2 10:16:12 UTC 2006

Package: openssl
Version: 0.9.7e-3sarge1

When I try to sign a cert buy a CA-cert use the -CAserial parameter it
signs the cert, but it don't use the serial from the file and the serial
in the ca.srl file hasn' been increased.
On my laptop running ubuntu all works fine.

Here is an example:

$ echo -ne '01' > ca.srl
$ openssl x509 -days 365 -extfile server.ext -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAserial ca.srl -in server.csr -req -out server.crt
$ cat ca.srl

And the Cert hast a default serial. In all tutorial an the manpage it is
explandet that openssl would use the serial from ca.srl for the signing
and increase the serial in the file. On my ubuntu it runs with out a

The system is Debian 3.1 (Sarge/stable) 
Kernel Version is 2.6.8 (SMP)

Hope you can help me

Michael Trunner

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