[Pkg-openssl-devel] Bug#338006: libssl0.9.8: bad record mac because of wrong SSL_OP_TLS_BLOCK_PADDING_BUG handling - possible workaround

Sebastiaan sebastia at ch.its.tudelft.nl
Sun Jan 15 15:15:53 UTC 2006


this bug broke my apache2/courier-imapd-ssl/squirrelmail configuration, 
but I found a workaround posted somewhere in this list:


I used openssl_0.9.8a.orig.tar.gz and openssl_0.9.8a-5.diff.gz. In 
debian/rules, change CONFARGS to:
CONFARGS  = --prefix=/usr --openssldir=/usr/lib/ssl no-idea no-rc5 shared

At least my configuration works again. However, changing the default 
configuration settings might break other packages.

Good luck,

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