[Pkg-openssl-devel] Bug#391188: libssl0.9.8: missing service check: nagios-nrpe-server

Peter Palfrader weasel at debian.org
Thu Oct 5 10:05:25 UTC 2006

Package: libssl0.9.8
Version: 0.9.8c-2
Severity: normal


libssl0.9.8 tries to restart services linked against libssl when it
is being upgraded.

On one of my systems the following service also links against libssl
but isn't checked for in libssl0.9.8.postinst:

nrpe      30876     nagios  mem       REG                3,2              1324541 /usr/lib/v9/libssl.so.0.9.7 (path inode=0)
nrpe      30876     nagios  mem       REG                3,2              1324540 /usr/lib/v9/libcrypto.so.0.9.7 (path inode=0)
  (this is sarge.  in sid it depends on 0.9.8)


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