[Pkg-openssl-devel] Bug#386365: libssl0.9.8: more services to restart

Mario 'BitKoenig' Holbe Mario.Holbe at TU-Ilmenau.DE
Thu Sep 7 07:04:53 UTC 2006

Package: libssl0.9.8
Version: 0.9.8b-3


here are a few more services which most likely need to be restarted on
libssl upgrades:

caudium		caudium			/etc/init.d/caudium
conserver	conserver-server	/etc/init.d/conserver-server
partimaged	partimage-server	/etc/init.d/partimaged

Perhaps also caudium's competitors roxen, roxen2, roxen3, roxen4.

Thanks for your work & regards
<Sique> Huch? 802.1q? Was sucht das denn hier? Wie kommt das ans TAGgeslicht?
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