[Pkg-openssl-devel] Bug#539899: Bug#539899: CVE-2009-2409: spoof certificates by using MD2 design flaws

Giuseppe Iuculano giuseppe at iuculano.it
Wed Aug 5 13:33:23 UTC 2009

Kurt Roeckx ha scritto:
> Looking at security-tracker, it seem this is also tracked as
> CVE-2009-2408?

#539449 refers to CVE-2009-2408, fixed in the tracker, thanks.

> Please also add openssl097 to the list of affected packages.

Added, thanks.

> Should I prepare packages for stable and oldstable to fix
> this?

Waiting an answer from security team, probably CVE-2009-2409 is not important
enough to get it fixed via regular security update and does not warrant a DSA.

I'm not sure if openssl is affected by CVE-2009-2408, and your answer in #539449
confirms that.


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