[Pkg-openssl-devel] Bug#604723: Bug#604723: libssl0.9.8: 0.9.8g-15+lenny9 breaks existing openvpn tunnel with cipher AES-128-CBC

Stefan Fritsch sf at sfritsch.de
Tue Nov 23 22:06:16 UTC 2010

On Tuesday 23 November 2010, Martin Burman wrote:
> After apply the latest patches my openvpn tunnel broke down.
> Downgrading to cipher 0.9.8g-15+lenny6 (my previous version)
> brought the tunnel up again. Openvpn did start ok, interface went
> up, logs stated "connected to peer" but the tunnel was
> non-functional.
> I have production state on this tunnel so I had lack of time in
> investigating underlying causes. If you provide me with your
> wishes I can do tests under controlled circumstances.

My personal openvpn setup did not break. It may be helpful if you 
could post some details about your configuration. Is the other end-
point Debian Lenny, too? If no, do you know what openssl version it 
uses? What config options regarding encryption do you use?

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