[Pkg-openssl-devel] Bug#533365: Workaround; Forwarded Upstream

Scott Schaefer saschaefer at neurodiverse.org
Tue Jun 14 03:14:57 UTC 2011

I filed report upstream 
(http://rt.openssl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=2534&user=guest&pass=guest) describing 
your report and my analysis.

In the meantime, can you verify that you can remove the passphrase (or 
use the key for other operations) by using either/both of the alternate 
means of specifying the passphrase; i.e.

1) Using -passin pass:XXXXXX,   where XXXXXX is passphrase.  E.g 
Assuming your passphrase is the single character "1":

$ openssl rsa -passin pass:1 -in my.key -out my.key.insecure

2) Using -passin file:FILENAME   where FILENAME contains passphrase.  E.g.:

$ echo "1" > ./psw
$ openssl rsa -passin file:./psw -in my.key -out my.key.insecure

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