[Pkg-openssl-devel] Bug#732966: [openssl] Update to openssl 1.0.1e-5 renders X unusable

Raphael Geissert geissert at debian.org
Mon Dec 23 09:42:37 UTC 2013

reassign 732966 openssh
forcemerge 732940 732966

On 23 December 2013 10:04, Ferdinand Thommes <devil at siduction.org> wrote:
> Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshdOpenSSL version mismatch. Built
> against 1000105f, you have 10001060
> same in X-session errors:
> OpenSSL version mismatch. Built against 1000105f, you have 10001060

That's openssh. If there's anything else that's breaking your DM or
something else then it might be another bug in a different package,
but not in openssl.

Raphael Geissert - Debian Developer
www.debian.org - get.debian.net

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