[Pkg-openssl-devel] Bug#845193: Bug#845193: dpkg: recent -specs PIE changes break openssl

Thorsten Glaser tg at mirbsd.de
Wed Nov 30 21:22:38 UTC 2016

Kurt Roeckx dixit:

>But the errors I've always been seeing is a segfault during the
>tests, and I have no idea what that is about.

That didn't happen for me, but I found a wrong codegen bug in a
testsuite recently (probably not the cause here), we had kernel
issues (4.7 is broken, 4.8 is mostly ok though) and are still
trying to figure out libc issues that differ depending on CPU
model (stuff like AMD vs. Intel)… this is all a minefield.

> emacs als auch vi zum Kotzen finde (joe rules) und pine für den einzig
> bedienbaren textmode-mailclient halte (und ich hab sie alle ausprobiert). ;)
Hallooooo, ich bin der Holger ("Hallo Holger!"), und ich bin ebenfalls
... pine-User, und das auch noch gewohnheitsmäßig ("Oooooooohhh").  [aus dasr]

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