[Pkg-opt-media-team] Bug#615978: Acknowledgement (dvd+rw-tools: While burning ISO Multisession BD-R 50G growisofs reports no space left while 24G+ are available)

michael michael.herscheid at positix.de
Tue Mar 1 14:15:14 UTC 2011

Hi there,

   some more infos :

    error-message	error message yield by growisofs
    burned-3.status      dvd+rw-mediainfo before error
    burned-4.status      dvd+rw-mediainfo after error
    scsi-command.txt     scsi command call (read track info)
    strace-x.txt		strace hex
    strace.txt		strace

Command used :

   optmagic=" "
   optfsiso=" -iso-level 4 -R -input-charset iso8859-2 -output-charset 
   optvolume=" -V 0000"
   switch=" -M"

result=$($command $optmagic $switch $device $optfsiso $optvolume $folder)



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