[Pkg-opt-media-team] Bug#693620: Bug#693620: dvdisaster does not start

Rogério Brito rbrito at ime.usp.br
Mon Nov 19 00:03:10 UTC 2012


On Nov 18 2012, Karsten Malcher wrote:
> i just tried to use dvdisaster - without success.
> The application just hangs and does not start.
> Every process i started could not be killed manually with "kill -9" !

If a given process doesn't get killed even with signal 9, then it is
probably the case that the process is in the D state and the kernel is
waiting for some device (or IO) to fulfill a request.

Are you trying to create the image of a badly scratched CD/DVD? What if you
do the same operations without dvdisaster? Say, what if you create the image
with ddrescue? Do you still get uninterruptible processes?

Unfortunately, I can't reproduce this myself and I see that Michael has
already tagged this as unreproducible and moreinfo, which is certainly
appropriate here, as we have too few details to continue debugging.


Rogério Brito : rbrito@{ime.usp.br,gmail.com} : GPG key 4096R/BCFCAAAA
http://rb.doesntexist.org/blog : Projects : https://github.com/rbrito/
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