[Pkg-opt-media-team] Bug#709971: status now

Winfried Münch winfried.muench at abk.de
Tue Jul 9 18:03:55 UTC 2013


sorry for the interception, but my 5. Child was born on 20.6. so it was
not possible to check the next steps.

At this moment I be not shure what is the best next. I also test ubuntu
server 12.04 LTS with kernel 3.5.0-23-generic. I burn with growisofs and
while I eject a drive the speed grow down. So same Problem here.

I Download xorriso 1.3.1 and compile it at this moment on the ubuntu

Please give me advice for the next tests. Should I repeat the xorriso
write and read tests on the same time? Or only do eject tests while I
write with xorriso?
xorriso is ready now:
root at blue:~/xorriso-1.3.1# /usr/local/bin/xorriso -version
GNU xorriso 1.3.1 : RockRidge filesystem manipulator, libburnia project.

GNU xorriso 1.3.1
ISO 9660 Rock Ridge filesystem manipulator and CD/DVD/BD burn program
Copyright (C) 2013, Thomas Schmitt <scdbackup at gmx.net>, libburnia project.
xorriso version   :  1.3.1
Version timestamp :  2013.07.05.072400
Build timestamp   :  -none-given-
libisofs   in use :  1.3.1  (min. 1.3.1)
libburn    in use :  1.3.1  (min. 1.3.1)
libburn OS adapter:  internal GNU/Linux SG_IO adapter sg-linux
libisoburn in use :  1.3.1  (min. 1.3.1)
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
root at blue:~/xorriso-1.3.1#


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