[Pkg-opt-media-team] Bug#709971: dvd+rw-tools: growisofs more then 1 Bluray, since Debian 7 speed collapses

Winfried Münch winfried.muench at abk.de
Tue Jun 4 19:31:00 UTC 2013

Hi again,

While write a BD on /dev/sr0 a second Terminal i try eject /dev/sr2 and I
root at bluray:/space/isotmp/test# eject /dev/sr2
eject: Kann nicht auswerfen! Letzter Fehler: Unpassender IOCTL
(I/O-Control) für das Gerät

and the write speed slow down:
 8250392576/12100028416 (68.2%) @3.0x, remaining 5:55 RBU 100.0% UBU  50.0%
 8296333312/12100028416 (68.6%) @3.1x, remaining 5:50 RBU 100.0% UBU  50.0%
 8339554304/12100028416 (68.9%) @2.9x, remaining 5:46 RBU  99.9% UBU  50.0%
 8384479232/12100028416 (69.3%) @3.0x, remaining 5:42 RBU 100.0% UBU  50.0%
 8430682112/12100028416 (69.7%) @3.1x, remaining 5:37 RBU 100.0% UBU  50.0%
 8472133632/12100028416 (70.0%) @2.8x, remaining 5:33 RBU 100.0% UBU  50.0%
 8484552704/12100028416 (70.1%) @0.8x, remaining 5:33 RBU 100.0% UBU  50.0%
 8508833792/12100028416 (70.3%) @1.6x, remaining 5:31 RBU 100.0% UBU  50.0%
 8555134976/12100028416 (70.7%) @3.1x, remaining 5:26 RBU 100.0% UBU  50.0%
 8600518656/12100028416 (71.1%) @3.0x, remaining 5:22 RBU 100.0% UBU  50.0%

best regards



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