[Pkg-opt-media-team] Bug#748416: Conflicting return types of function CurrentMediumSize

Carsten Gnörlich cg at drimsel.net
Tue Jun 3 20:15:36 UTC 2014


> Nevertheless, I will prepare an update asap. Which will probably mean
> somewhere next week, as I am currently on a travel with limited
> resources.

The updated upstream version is now available. Please let me know if
there are issues left with it.


Carsten Gnörlich * Project homepage http://www.dvdisaster.org
dvdisaster: Additional error correction for optical media.
GnuPG FP: 12B3 1535 AF90 3ADE 9E73  BA7E 5A59 0EFE F5F6 C46C

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