[Pkg-ossec-devel] [SCM] Git repository for pkg-ossec branch, debian, updated. 58821e0bc7b9c1a6782c901dcd31ccb865a49893

Jose Antonio Quevedo joseantonio.quevedo at gmail.com
Tue Aug 2 01:43:20 UTC 2011

The following commit has been merged in the debian branch:
commit b123028476ad908c32e2115b7e8526f2096834a8
Author: Jose Antonio Quevedo <joseantonio.quevedo at gmail.com>
Date:   Mon Jul 25 20:50:45 2011 +0200

    "End of the day" commit.
    - install.sh translate into preinst file. Most of the code is not where it have to be. It's a filtered version of install.sh.

diff --git a/debian/preinst.ex b/debian/preinst.ex
index 46a55fd..916eec6 100644
--- a/debian/preinst.ex
+++ b/debian/preinst.ex
@@ -16,7 +16,281 @@ set -e
 case "$1" in
-    ;;
+ 	. ./src/init/shared.sh
+	. ./src/init/functions.sh
+    # This is a task for .. debconf .. 
+	## USER_DIR have to return 0 after checking this pattern.
+#                echo $USER_DIR |grep -E "^/[a-zA-Z0-9./_-]{3,128}$">/dev/null 2>&1
+    # Reading pre-defined file
+	if [ -f ${PREDEF_FILE} ]; then
+            . ${PREDEF_FILE}
+	fi
+	. ./src/init/shared.sh
+	. ./src/init/language.sh
+	. ./src/init/functions.sh
+	. ./src/init/init.sh
+	. ${TEMPLATE}/${LANGUAGE}/messages.txt
+    ### Checks if gcc || cc is installed, wich is part of the base system, so not needed.
+    # Checking dependencies
+#	checkDependencies
+	. ./src/init/update.sh
+        # Is this an update?
+	if [ "$1" = update ]; then
+            update_only="yes"
+	    . ./src/init/update.sh
+	    ## src/init/update.sh::doUpdatecleanup:
+## - executes $OSSEC_INIT (= /etc/ossec-init.conf) wich contains the values of DIRECTORY, VERSION, DATE, TYPE.
+## - checks the DIRECTORY variable against a pattern. <-- do we need this? IMHO not needed
+	    # if [ "`doUpdatecleanup`" = "${FALSE}" ]; then
+            #     # Disabling update
+            #     echo "${unabletoupdate}"
+            #     sleep 5;
+            #     update_only=""
+	    # else
+                # Get update
+                USER_INSTALL_TYPE=`getPreinstalled`
+                USER_DIR=`getPreinstalledDir`
+                USER_DELETE_DIR="$nomatch"
+	    # fi
+            # We dont need to update the rules on agent installs
+	    if [ ! "X${USER_INSTALL_TYPE}" = "Xagent" ]; then
+                ## Should this be done by default os asking the user?
+                $ECHO " - ${updaterules} ($yes/$no): "  
+                if [ "X${USER_UPDATE_RULES}" = "X" ]; then
+		    read ANY
+                else
+		    ANY=$yes
+                fi
+                case $ANY in
+		    $yes)
+                    update_rules="yes"
+                    break;
+                    ;;
+		    $no)
+                    break;
+                    ;;
+                esac
+	    fi
+	fi
+	serverm=`echo ${server} | cut -b 1`
+	localm=`echo ${local} | cut -b 1`
+	agentm=`echo ${agent} | cut -b 1`
+	helpm=`echo ${help} | cut -b 1`
+    # Setting up the environment
+#	setEnv
+### setEnv code
+    if [ "X$INSTYPE" = "Xagent" ]; then
+    elif [ "X$INSTYPE" = "Xlocal" ]; then
+    fi
+    ls $INSTALLDIR >/dev/null 2>&1
+    if [ $? = 0 ]; then
+        if [ "X${USER_DELETE_DIR}" = "X" ]; then
+            echo ""
+            $ECHO "    - ${deletedir} ($yes/$no) [$yes]: "
+            read ANSWER
+        else
+            ANSWER=${USER_DELETE_DIR}
+        fi
+        case $ANSWER in
+            $yesmatch)
+                rm -rf $INSTALLDIR
+                if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then
+                    exit 2;
+                fi
+                ;;
+        esac
+    fi
+### End of setEnv code
+    # Configuring the system (based on the installation type)
+	if [ "X${update_only}" = "X" ]; then
+            if [ "X$INSTYPE" = "Xserver" ]; then
+		ConfigureServer
+            elif [ "X$INSTYPE" = "Xagent" ]; then
+		ConfigureClient
+            elif [ "X$INSTYPE" = "Xlocal" ]; then
+		ConfigureServer
+            else
+		catError "0x4-installtype"
+            fi
+	fi
+    # Installing (calls the respective script
+    # -- InstallAgent.sh or InstallServer.sh
+##	Install    ## Next is the Install() function code
+    echo "DIR=\"${INSTALLDIR}\"" > ${LOCATION}
+    echo "CC=${CC}" >> ${LOCATION}
+    echo "GCC=${CC}" >> ${LOCATION}
+    echo "CLANG=clang" >> ${LOCATION}
+    ## next code going into debian/rules :: configure target
+    # Changing Config.OS with the new C flags
+    # Checking if debug is enabled
+    if [ "X${SET_DEBUG}" = "Xdebug" ]; then
+    fi
+    echo "CEXTRA=${CEXTRA}" >> ./src/Config.OS
+    ## End of code going into debian/rules :: configure target
+    cd ./src
+    # Binary install will use the previous generated code.
+    if [ "X${USER_BINARYINSTALL}" = "X" ]; then
+        make all
+        if [ $? != 0 ]; then
+            cd ../
+            catError "0x5-build"
+        fi
+        # Building everything
+        make build
+        if [ $? != 0 ]; then
+            cd ../
+            catError "0x5-build"
+        fi
+    fi
+    # If update, stop ossec
+    if [ "X${update_only}" = "Xyes" ]; then
+        UpdateStopOSSEC
+    fi
+    # Making the right installation type
+	if [ "X$INSTYPE" = "Xserver" ]; then
+        ./InstallServer.sh
+    elif [ "X$INSTYPE" = "Xagent" ]; then
+        ./InstallAgent.sh
+    elif [ "X$INSTYPE" = "Xlocal" ]; then
+        ./InstallServer.sh local
+	fi
+    cd ../
+    ### next code going to postinst file
+    # Generate the /etc/ossec-init.conf
+    chmod 700 ${OSSEC_INIT} > /dev/null 2>&1
+    echo "VERSION=\"${VERSION}\"" >> ${OSSEC_INIT}
+    echo "DATE=\"`date`\"" >> ${OSSEC_INIT}
+    echo "TYPE=\"${INSTYPE}\"" >> ${OSSEC_INIT}
+    chmod 600 ${OSSEC_INIT}
+    chmod 644 ${INSTALLDIR}${OSSEC_INIT}
+    # If update_rules is set, we need to tweak
+    # ossec.conf to read the new signatures.
+    if [ "X${update_rules}" = "Xyes" ]; then
+        UpdateOSSECRules
+    fi
+    # If update, start OSSEC
+    if [ "X${update_only}" = "Xyes" ]; then
+        UpdateStartOSSEC
+    fi
+    # Calling the init script  to start ossec hids during boot
+    if [ "X${update_only}" = "X" ]; then
+        runInit
+        if [ $? = 1 ]; then
+            notmodified="yes"
+        fi
+    fi
+  fi
+    ### end of the code going to postinst file
+## End of Install() code
+    # User messages
+	echo ""
+	echo " - ${configurationdone}."
+	echo ""
+	echo " - ${tostart}:"
+	echo "		$INSTALLDIR/bin/ossec-control start"
+	echo ""
+	echo " - ${tostop}:"
+	echo "		$INSTALLDIR/bin/ossec-control stop"
+	echo ""
+	echo " - ${configat} $INSTALLDIR/etc/ossec.conf"
+	echo ""
+	if [ "X${update_only}" = "Xyes" ]; then
+        # Message for the update
+            if [ "X`sh ./src/init/fw-check.sh`" = "XPF" -a "X${ACTIVERESPONSE}" = "Xyes" ]; then
+		AddPFTable
+            fi
+            echo " - ${updatecompleted}"
+            exit 0;
+	fi
+    # PF firewall message
+	if [ "X`sh ./src/init/fw-check.sh`" = "XPF" -a "X${ACTIVERESPONSE}" = "Xyes" ]; then
+            AddPFTable
+	fi
+	if [ "X$INSTYPE" = "Xserver" ]; then
+            echo " - ${addserveragent}"
+            echo "   ${runma}:"
+            echo "   $INSTALLDIR/bin/manage_agents"
+            echo "   http://www.ossec.net/en/manual.html#ma"
+	elif [ "X$INSTYPE" = "Xagent" ]; then
+            catMsg "0x104-client"
+            echo "   $INSTALLDIR/bin/manage_agents"
+            echo "   http://www.ossec.net/en/manual.html#ma"
+	fi
+	if [ "X$notmodified" = "Xyes" ]; then
+            catMsg "0x105-noboot"
+            echo "		$INSTALLDIR/bin/ossec-control start"
+	fi
+    ;; # end of install|upgrade

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