[Pkg-owncloud-maintainers] Bug#814756: closed by David Prévot <taffit at debian.org> (Re: Bug#814756: owncloud: Add dependency on php-dropbox and php-google-api-php-client)

Sunil Mohan Adapa sunil at medhas.org
Mon Feb 15 17:19:54 UTC 2016

On 02/15/2016 10:51 AM, Debian Bug Tracking System wrote:
> Thanks for your interest in the Debian owncloud package.
> Both those packages are recommended. If you removed them (or didn’t
> install them), you do that at your own risks. Even 
> /usr/share/doc/owncloud/README.Debian.gz explains that “Some apps, not
> enabled by default, need the following dependencies:” [the two you
> pointed, and more].

Ahh! Missed out on the recommends.  I realized we were not installing
the recommends.  Thanks for the quick response.  I will work to install
the recommends.


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