[Pkg-owncloud-maintainers] Bug#905659: qt5keychain-dev still makes psi-plus ftbfs

Boris Pek tehnick at debian.org
Wed Aug 8 10:35:36 BST 2018

Control: tags -1 - ftbfs

Hi Helmut,

> Control: severity -1 serious
> Control: tags -1 + ftbfs
> Control: affects -1 + src:psi-plus
> Give that the bug is a FTBFS it should still be serious. If you disagree
> with the severity on qt5keychain-dev, the solution is to clone a lower
> severity bug and leave the rc bug with psi-plus.
> Lowering the severity or removing the ftbfs tag will simply cause people
> to file duplicates.

It was not my idea to reassign this bug report to qt5keychain-dev package
instead of opening a new one. But this was done and now this bug report is
not about psi-plus package anymore, so its meta-data should be related to
package src:qtkeychain.

Package src:qtkeychain is not FTBFS, so this tag is wrong. I am not sure
which severity is better, but severity "serious" looks wrong to me.

As for src:psi-plus package: it is not FTBFS now (I have updated it this
night, see [1]), so nor duplicates, not new bug reports are required.
But I have not checked other reverse dependencies of src:qtkeychain package
due to lack of free time. Let's hope that qtkeychain maintainers will do it.

[1] https://tracker.debian.org/media/packages/p/psi-plus/changelog-1.3.400-1

Best regards,

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