[Pkg-owncloud-maintainers] Bug#996924: nextcloud-desktop: deletes dirs on the server although they're still here locally
hefee at debian.org
Mon Nov 22 13:36:17 GMT 2021
Control: tags -1 +upstream
It would be helpful, if you can try a newer version from Debian unstable, if
you see the same behaviour or if is been fixed meanwhile.
Anyways this is an upstream bug. So you should get in contact with nextcloud
If you find a corresponding bug or create a new one please leave a message
here, so we can update the metadata for this bug.
> From time to time, whole directories get erased from the server for no
> reason. I've seen it happen a few times already, but not early enough
> to be able to catch logs. So far I've been lucky enough to be able to
> restore from backups, but it's not something that I can afford to see
> happen again.
> In my case, the client sent a DELETE request for a directory that
> hadn't been deleted locally. The
> ~/.local/share/Nextcloud/Documents_sync.log file shows it:
> 12:27:42||TEMP|INST_REMOVE|Up|1633813324|61620350e2e1d|0|06377550ocptyqgkbgt
> 0|4||204|0|0||||
> At the same time, the server log shows the corresponding request:
> [REDACTED] [17/Oct/2021:14:27:42 +0200] "DELETE
> /remote.php/dav/files/DetR/Documents/TEMP HTTP/1.1" 204 609 "-"
> "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux) mirall/3.1.1-2+deb11u1 (Nextcloud)"
> So obviously, on all other clients using that shared Documents
> directory, the TEMP directory is deleted. It's still present locally,
> but there's a discrepancy with the server, and that discrepancy is not
> always resolved in the right direction: sometimes in the past the
> directory was restored from the local version and eventually
> re-uploaded then re-synced to other clients, but other times the local
> version was deleted too, in which case the directory is completely
> lost.
> This is really major, and the fact that it happens "rarely" (although
> a couple of times a year for me) doesn't make it less grave.
> For reference the server runs 21.0.0, but I've seen this bug happen
> with previous versions too, and I don't think the bug is server-side.
> I'm fully willing to help provide more info if instructed how, but
> note that the bug is unpredictable to me.
> It may be relevant that my Documents share is about 500 GB in size,
> with about 300k files.
> Please advise.
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