[Pkg-owncloud-maintainers] Comments regarding owncloud-client_1.4.0+dfsg-1_amd64.changes

Paul Richards Tagliamonte ftpmaster at ftp-master.debian.org
Sun Sep 15 02:33:40 UTC 2013

Howdy maintainer,

I've noticed some discrepancies between your DEP5 copyright and file licensing.

In your DEP5:

./src/mirall/accountsettings.cpp is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/mirall/generalsettings.h is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/mirall/progressdispatcher.cpp is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/mirall/utility.cpp is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/mirall/accountsettings.h is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/mirall/connectionvalidator.cpp is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/mirall/settingsdialog.cpp is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/mirall/ignorelisteditor.cpp is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/mirall/itemprogressdialog.cpp is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/mirall/itemprogressdialog.h is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/mirall/utility.h is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/mirall/networksettings.cpp is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/mirall/mirallaccessmanager.h is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/mirall/connectionvalidator.h is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/mirall/networksettings.h is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/mirall/generalsettings.cpp is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/mirall/settingsdialog.h is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/mirall/ignorelisteditor.h is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/mirall/mirallaccessmanager.cpp is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/mirall/progressdispatcher.h is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/wizard/abstractcredswizardpage.h is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/wizard/owncloudshibbolethcredspage.h is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/wizard/owncloudshibbolethcredspage.cpp is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/creds/shibbolethcredentials.cpp is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/creds/credentialsfactory.cpp is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/creds/shibbolethcredentials.h is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/creds/credentialsfactory.h is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/creds/http/credentialstore.cpp is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/creds/http/httpconfigfile.cpp is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/creds/http/credentialstore.h is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/creds/http/httpconfigfile.h is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/creds/abstractcredentials.h is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/creds/shibboleth/shibbolethrefresher.h is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/creds/shibboleth/shibbolethrefresher.cpp is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/creds/shibboleth/shibbolethcookiejar.cpp is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/creds/shibboleth/shibbolethwebview.h is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/creds/shibboleth/shibbolethwebview.cpp is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/creds/shibboleth/shibbolethcookiejar.h is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/creds/shibboleth/shibbolethconfigfile.cpp is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/creds/shibboleth/shibbolethaccessmanager.cpp is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/creds/shibboleth/shibbolethconfigfile.h is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/creds/shibboleth/shibbolethaccessmanager.h is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/creds/dummycredentials.h is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/creds/dummycredentials.cpp is not GPL-2, it's GPL-2+
./src/3rdparty/QProgressIndicator/QProgressIndicator.cpp is not LGPL-3+, it's GPL-2+
./src/3rdparty/QProgressIndicator/QProgressIndicator.h is not LGPL-3+, it's GPL-2+

Thanks for your work!

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