[Pkg-owncloud-maintainers] RM: ocsync -- ROM; Developement is done now inside owncloud-client

MJ Ray mjr at phonecoop.coop
Wed Mar 5 15:16:48 UTC 2014

Sandro Knauß wrote:
> The new command-line sync client you found in owncloud-client-cmd. But I can't 
> tell if it has the same features.

Thanks for the pointer.  I'm not using any clever features of ocsync so
I doubt the change will cause problems.

Thanks again,
MJ Ray (slef), member of www.software.coop, a for-more-than-profit co-op
http://koha-community.org supporter, web and library systems developer.
In My Opinion Only: see http://mjr.towers.org.uk/email.html
Available for hire (including development) at http://www.software.coop/

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