[Pkg-owncloud-maintainers] Fwd: FTBS owncloud-client <-> inotify

Sandro Knauß bugs at sandroknauss.de
Sun May 18 14:04:29 UTC 2014


> Your previous email didn't reach the debian-bsd mailing list (at least
> it's not in the archives of debian-bsd, nor in my emails).

mmh ok i should resend it  ( on the owncloud-client list the mail enters).

> Why did you encrypt the email?

Why not? I have your key and you have mine - there is no point not to use 
encryption in mails, that don't go to mailinglists.

> inotify is a linux-specific API and thus is not portable. One caveat on
> linux is that one can run out of inotify watches and thus manual
> reload/reread directories mechanisms should be provided. That same
> manual reload/reread mechanism should be portable and thus would work on
> (k)freebsd kernel.
> (k)freebsd does not implement inotify. there are incomplete wrapper
> libraries around native facility that provide similar information
> (kqueue/kevent), but the two APIs do not have 1 to 1 mapping.
> if you wish complete/reliable notifications use kqueue/kevent on freebsd.

Sorry, but i don't unserstand completly what you are telling me. I understood 
The libinotify is only a wrapper for kqueue/kevent that is not 100% compatible 
to inotify API on linux.
So that i don't get notifications for createDir, removeFile and moveFile is 
likely to be a bug of the implemention, so I'll file a bug against libinotify. 



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