[Pkg-owncloud-maintainers] ownCloud 7 prerelease in experimental?

Diederik de Haas didi.debian at cknow.org
Fri May 30 09:21:38 UTC 2014

On Sunday 25 May 2014 14:42:01 Diederik de Haas wrote:
> Are there specific things you want me to test for?

I have upgraded my vms to the latest versions of owncloud and owncloud-doc.
Documentation works on all of them, but they also all have a horizontal 
scrollbar for which there seems to be no need.

Also done some testing of the apps themselves.
The Contacts app doesn't seem to work (properly). When activated I see a 'OK' 
msg at the top and other then that a continues waiting cursor.
When clicking 'New contact' I see a header appearing with 'Display 
name'/Email/Phone/Group but other then that it's empty. I did not get a dialog 
allowing me to enter the details for a new contact. 
Note that I didn't have any contact defined/imported (yet) before.
Clicking on 'New group' allows me to enter a name for the group, howver it is 
not shown anywhere.

The Calendar app was empty when I started to play around a bit.
Creating a new event worked to some degree. In each of them I clicked on today 
(2014-05-30), but on only 2 of them that date was also entered as the event 
date, on the other 4 the previous day was entered as event date.
The 2 that worked correctly were: oc7-mysql-apache and oc7-sqlite-lighttpd.
So on oc7-mysql-lighttpd, oc7-mysql-nginx, oc7-sqlite-apache and oc7-sqlite-
nginx it did not work correctly.
It turns out it has to do with your timezone settings. When I select Amsterdam 
as timezone, the events were created with the correct date as event date.

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